Elizabeth Larrison
Our dear astronaut is a Benson student we have sent into space for… research purposes. He will take a quick orbit, and then pop back down in time for graduation. In the meantime, he’s more than happy to write back to any letters sent to him, asking for advice. You don’t get to space without learning a thing or two. If you have an issue you need solved, write to him here!
So I am stressed about some things right now and I may have developed a hobby that some people may think is weird. I’ve only talked to my best friend about it because I know he understands but I’m not sure other people would. Any advice? – Anxious
Dear Anxious,
There are a lot of people in the world. With many hobbies. It is flat out impossible for you to be the ONLY person who likes that thing, or feels that way. The only thing keeping you from finding your community is beginning to search for it. The first thing I would advise, you’ve already done! Tell a trusted friend. If something really matters to you, your friends will be fine with that. Otherwise, they aren’t really friends, are they? And the idea that you may have chosen some bad friends, and that they won’t like you, is really tough!! But if they won’t accept you, then you shouldn’t be wasting your time on them. Depending on your hobby, people might not be understanding about it. Jerks and bullies have existed since the dawn of time; don’t let them live your life for you. Hobbies are personal! And personal things that you keep to yourself are no one’s business but you and your friends.
So, my advice to you is this: If you like something, surround yourself with people who like that too. Don’t be afraid to bring it up to your friends: worst case scenario, you find out who your real friends are. Friends are like fish: there’s a whole ocean of them. So go out there, and be yourself!
– The Astro
P.S. Someone must have tampered with my ship before lift off. The ‘empty’ and ‘full’ labels are switched. Nice one guys.