Baby blue skies
I remember
The baby blue skies resting against your face
It’s so soft and
This is the last moment before you’re
But you seem so happy I wonder
Your voice, melodic against the now setting sun
Delicately whispers
That you are so
Happy with your life and the people you spent it with
I wish I could be as perfect as you, in a
Way that is imperfect but that just makes you more
Beautiful, wonderful
I don’t want you to leave
I don’t know how to
Without you
I shall be alive, but not
It stings but I’m happy for you
You protect me, hold me
Everything will be okay
As long as you’re here
But you aren’t here
I feel empty without the beat of your heart
Why are you gone?
I am a ghost of who I was with you
Every day I pray to an immortal god who is long dead,
Wishing you were here
розы цвета крови
I am by
Your grave
I’m not sure how long I have
Been here, but it’s not enough
I can’t leave because to leave is to
Go home without your voice, your face, any of you that is still here
I am an empty house
I have brought roses the color of
To lay beside you
I hope they don’t
Decompose because I cannot
Bear anything else leaving
But I suppose that’s the price of having real
You brought me roses once
So now I return the favor
I just wish you were alive to see it